Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Fear of the unknown

I have always wondered what makes a person confident rather why some people (like me???)lack self confidence. A person low on self confidence is so because s/he thinks what s/he's capable of is minimal compared to what other people are capable of even though currently not many of them might have achieved what this person has. On the other hand an over confident person thinks s/he can do anything in the world even though s/he wouldn't even be capable of earning 2 square meals a day. It's all about the individual's perception of the other people in the planet. Since each one of us know ourselves very well , some feel that what they know should be common to everyone. They make it the base for all humankind. For the qualities they perceive others to posess can never be lower than that because what they have would've become common to them. On the other hand there are people for whom even a small thing that every individual posesses , s/he'll think to be unique to him/her. That s/he is the only blessed one on the planet.That s/he's an example for everyone else. That all that's not known to him/her can't be larger than him/her.

Either ways it's a recipe for disaster. Over confident person tends to underestimate the "opponent" in every walk of life and tends to be less prepared, while the one lacking confidence tends to over estimate the "opponent" and not take chances at all eventhough s/he might be able to win without any effort. One might argue that the over confident person might be able to come out of the situation using his intelligence but as the old saying goes "Empty vessels make more noise". Similarly the person lacking confidence might have prepared a thousand times more than what's required but think about it . Will his/her psychology permit him/her to take that one chance ? We don't live in an ideal world. It's a first hand experience that it's impossible to get rid of the either(I have experienced only one :D)!!!!!!!!!!


At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

smile, and trust yourself
then back ur trust, and just do it
that's all u need

At 7:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY!

At 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!
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