Thursday, September 14, 2006


It's been a long time since I blogged. I seem to have lost it because there doesn't seem to be anything making me wonder these days. I go to office come back home. Catch up with friends over the weekend and that's it. Isn't there anything happening anywhere or is it just me ? Why do I feel like I am sailing away in no particular direction ? Why don't I seem to have any goal in life ? I used to have goals in life. I used to say I am going to do this by this time. It used to feel like there is nothing else to life but that. But once I was done with what I set out to do , there was a sense of emptiness taking over me. Ofcourse there used to be the joy of accomplishment. but that was momentary. Once that wore off it was back to routine. Back to directionless sailing that I talked about. Is it worth the effort ? the momentary joy of having done something ? It's been quite a while since I really thought of doing anything with my whole heart. I seem to be doing just fine. There hasn't been anything missing from my life, yet I have a weird feeling it isn't normal. But how do I determine what's normal ? It's from what I see everyday. My peers define what's normal and what isn't and when I see them running the rat race that life's become , I feel I am not normal. I feel I want the zillion rupee job. I feel I want the MBA degree from the most coveted institute. I feel I want the ferrari with the engine that schumi will be driving for few more races. I feel I want the beach house in the carribean. I feel I want a private gulf stream IV. Do I really feel all that if I take out the "peer" factor ? and so I keep sailing away directionless.....


At 11:15 PM, Blogger Phoenix said...

dont worry so much...just look inwards..and u'd find wat u want to find...and what u shd be wanting tofind

At 11:15 PM, Blogger Phoenix said...

dont worry so much...just look inwards..and u'd find wat u want to find...and what u shd be wanting tofind

At 12:33 AM, Blogger Jo said...

hey hey
u seem to be in a in a particularly worrisome predicament.Look,as long as we gonna live,life is gonna guide us.Nothing much to worry.ANd i think we are all blessed to have such an awesome life.
Dot worry and be happy

At 12:42 AM, Blogger Pramod said...


did I sound worried :O ... I wanted to convey that nothing's bothering me :P ... which I guess is a good thing because not many ppl can have that

At 11:49 AM, Blogger Neha said...

Find a new g(o)al! :-P

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Pramod said...

@ neha

i find many ... but they don't seem to find me :P

At 12:50 PM, Blogger kosha said...

I guess this is the most normal thing :D
just set short term goals and move on... :)

At 12:18 AM, Blogger Pramod said...

that's the problem ... i don't want to set any more goals :P


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