Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Correction :O [-x

A friend of mine made me realise something today. Some "problematic" area in myself (what isn't !!!)that according to him needs correction. I dismissed him by saying that is the way I am. Now I wonder should one really change themselves just because things are not going exactly how they would want it to? Would it be fair on his/her part to change the person s/he is? Wouldn't s/he be losing his/her identity ? Come to think of it we change every moment. We aren't the same as every second goes by. Be it talking to someone, reading some stuff , just seeing stuff around us while we are out on a jog , listening to music (the one thing every tom dick and harry ought to do these days >:P). I believe everything has an influence on us as a person and modifies our thinking. Was it designed to be that way ? Has the almighty layed down a web for each individual to shape him/her the way s/he is ? If so then how can we possibly change ourselves ?


At 1:36 PM, Blogger Phoenix said...

Well, nobody else can ever point out a problem in you..if u dont find somethign good about urself(now dont say ëverything", I'm talking seriously..want no pessimistic shit here ,get me), as in u r not comfortable with it, or are guilty abt it, then THINK of a correction..
chill and be happy with it
life is to enjoy
ur own way.

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Pramod said...

yeah well I am not sure :D

and it was written in general .. not just about me :)

At 6:54 PM, Blogger adarsh said...

unless our habits or behaviour or attitude hurts others, we need not change .. whosoever is the person pointing us...

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Divya said...

lol!! pommu.. new template n all.. Cool i liked it expect for the PINK!!!
plz change maadi..
and about change.. well when we see something better we hope for it and without our knowlegde we will work towards it.. and then we realised we've changed!!
does this make any sense?

At 12:40 PM, Blogger Pramod said...

@adarsh ... that would be very sensible

@divya ... there you go ... colour changed :) ...

yeah it does make a lot of sense ... we never decide as to what we are ... life just shapes us that way :)

At 11:31 AM, Blogger That Girl said...

I think the only thing that's important is that you ['you' as in everyone, speaking generally just like you :)] shouldn't change the person that you are just for someone else's sake. THAT would mean giving up your identity for someone else, and it's never worthwhile to do that.

But if you feel the old bod & soul & spirit could do with some tuning and touching up - sure, go ahead & do it! Working on yourself, as all these self-improvement books keep hammering into our heads, apparently makes us better persons. So if you can spare the time & effort, go you :)


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