Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Should I / Shouldn't I ?!

Life. Is it about being content or being greedy. Some say you've got only 1, make every minute count. Do everything you possibly can and some more. No fun limiting yourself. Step on the gas. Reach for the stars. Little do they realise that the same star can make you evaporate in no time!

On the flipside there's the opinion that you should know your limits. Lead a slow peaceful life with no tensions no worries. Go with the flow , exercise, work only to earn 3 square meals a day, be content with watching people having glamourous lives on t v. What about the monotony such a life will lead to ? What about the exotic life beyond the confines of your cosy home that you often hear about ? Are you content being Alice who never went down the rabbit hole ?

Yeah, Yeah! I know what you want to say. Take the middle route. But how do I know what's the middle route ? How'll I know where I am being content and where I am pushing myself to the point of breakdown ? Is it possible to be able to exactly pinpoint the situations where one needs to be content and the ones where one needs to be greedy. I'd love to meet a person who can say that they've never made mistakes regarding the same.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Can I borrow some time please ?

Time flies. I can't believe it'll soon been a year since I wrote anything. Not that I can write well, but it used to be the only ways of getting out things that used to corrupt my paranoid mind every now and then. I am thankful I haven't had to resort to it in the past year. But then when I used to write, I had the opportunity for introspection. This past year has gone by without letting me breathe. Weekdays I used to feel I had nothing to do. But by the time I got to work and back(put in a couple of other things here and there), I would be begging god to give me a longer day next and come weekend I'd be out of town on some obligation(Thankfully never on work!). My parents feel I don't visit them often. My friends complain they never see me enough. Is it my age or am I the only person suffering from this syndrome , I wonder. Am I that bad at time management or is it too much for my lil being to take ? In between all this I can't remember what happened to Pramod as a person. His dreams, his aspirations, his life! Some of you might know there was something I wanted to achieve this year. Something I wanted desperately and have been dreaming about for quite sometime. I don't see myself even on the road that'd take me there , let alone being anywhere near it. Have I got my priorities wrong ? No , I couldn't have spent this year any other way. Then what went wrong ? How have a lost a whole precious year of my life and more importantly youth ? I know there is no point crying over spilt milk but I would definitely want to know the answer so I don't end up doing the same mistake again.