but WHY ????
yet another day bites the dust . I ask myself what I have accomplished today. I think of so many things that I have done during the course of the day. It means so much to me and to so many other people around me. But is that what I wanted to do ? Aren't I doing it just for the heck of doing it? What is it that I want to do? What is it that each one of us wants to do ? Aren't we tempted by the things around us ? Why do we do whatever we do ? Is there any meaning to it ? Don't we try to imitate things around us ? Why do we do that ? Why does human beings have this habit of doing things the way they find it being done ? Take this blog for example . I didn't have any idea what it was till one fine day a friend of mine showed me what she had written. I tried immitating her by making a blog of my own. What if she hadn't shown me her blog. Would I have ever written this piece?