Race against time
saturday evening sitting at my place. My saturday routine used to be different. Leave home morning , go meet up friends , lunch a movie or two and end the day with dinner somewhere around 9 . It has all changed. I have got tired of doing that. Now all I feel like doing on weekend is sleep. I am feeling old. I am drained out to the core. Sometimes wonder I am still 21 how am i going to survive another whatever number of years I am alive. When I see elder people and their enthusiasm even at the age surrounding 75 I feel terrible at myself. Another example of the fast pace of life. Our starting salaries are more than what our parents used to earn at their retirement but we are 10 times as much drained everyday as they were before their retirement. If this is going to increase at this rate what will happen?
Come to think about it why does life have to change. Why should it be different from what it was a half a century ago. Thinks have become smaller faster and we try to keep up with them. But WHY ????
shortest post ever ;)
yesterday during lunch i went to get a cup of mountain dew and guess what was written on the vending machine
the obedient worker that I am ... I did what they asked me to :D
I am in a terrific mood today. So you people are in for something really "good". Think twice before you proceed further. ;)
All my life I have been trying to get something, but it seems to run away time and again. Sometimes it feels so close that 1 jump and I can grab it. The next moment it seems oceans away. Everytime I strive to get as close to it as possible but at the end of the day the distance is same as it was at the begining. What have I not done to achieve it? Except open my mouth. That is something I just can't do. It is so embarrasing. I feel like I should be in mental care instead of speaking. God lone knows when I started trying. I wish I hadn't because it has become addictive. I can't let go. It is lingering all the time. It just refuses to leave me alone. One moment I am fully convinced that it has left me but the next moment someone happen and I am back to square one. Why me ? aren't there millions of others like me out there? Why darn me? Or is it that there aren't millions .Is it that there isn't anybody else ? Am I the only one in this state in the whole of mankind? Have I been so different from others? So disconnected from reality? Have I lost it? will somebody care to show me the light ?